| About Us
North County Advocates (NCA) was created in 2009 as a California non-profit 501 (c) 3 corporation. Our members and board of directors are made up of passionate volunteers who live in Carlsbad, La Costa, and Encinitas. NCA cares deeply about preserving the quality of life, the environment and the character of Coastal North County San Diego. We will continually work to educate and inform the public about a wide variety of campaigns and projects that we support in order to prevent urban sprawl and the degradation of our community. We encourage North County residents to join us, support us and help us reach our goals for the benefit of our neighbors and future generations.
| Our Objectives
- To educate and support local organizations or groups of individuals in the furtherance of our mission.
- To monitor activities of local and regional government authorities and entities and provide warning when impending actions threaten Coastal North County. Agencies for potential monitoring include, but are not limited to:
- – City of Carlsbad, City Council
- – City of Encinitas, City Council
- – County Board of Supervisors
- To champion systemic changes to improve the protection of quality of life, environment and local character through initiatives and lobbying of local governmental authorities subject to the limitation of a public non-profit corporation.
- To promote use of native planting and water conservation methods
- To preserve and protect the existing scale of development such that new projects do NOT overwhelm the neighborhood size, scale, height, traffic generated or other similar detrimental effects.
| Our Mission Statement
The mission of North County Advocates is to preserve and protect the quality of life, the environment and the character of Coastal North County San Diego, especially in the La Costa, Carlsbad and Encinitas. We strive to expose and oppose the negative impacts of excessive development, increased traffic, increased zoning density, increased intensity of use, pollution, (air, water, land or light) or similar detrimental factors whether proposed or initiated by private or public entities.